Nottinghamshire YFC is celebrating National Young Farmers’ Week (18-24 September) during the 85th anniversary year of the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC)
During the week, YFCs across England and Wales will be celebrating the positive impact they make on their rural communities and in developing young people’s skills.
The aim of the week is to promote YFCs to more rural young people so they are aware of the benefits the Federation can offer them by providing an active social network and developing skills.
There are 24,500 members of NFYFC who are all offered opportunities to take on roles in their YFCs to help with the running, budgeting and management of their charity. There are also opportunities at a County, Area and National level as a member-led organisation.
The skills developed through NFYFC’s competitions, training, travel and agricultural activities have all proven to benefit young people throughout their lives, which is why NFYFC will be using the hashtag #yfcforlife during this National Young Farmers’ Week. The week will focus on different topics over the seven days and will culminate in the national finals of Cookery and Floral Arts at the Malvern Autumn Show in Worcestershire on the 23/24 September.
Nottinghamshire YFC will be celebrating the event by posting photos of the club online as part of a nationwide photo competition that will be judged by NFYFC’s President, and broadcaster, Charlotte Smith and NFYFC’s Ambassador Chris Stark from BBC Radio 1.
NFYFC’s President Charlotte Smith said: “I am very proud to be the President of the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs and want the nation to know more about one of our countryside’s best kept secrets. YFC is more than farming – it’s one of the only rural youth services we have that helps develop young people’s skills and provides a much-needed social network in the countryside. Here’s to a successful National Young Farmers’ Week, raising awareness of this fantastic organisation and celebrating all that is great about our young people.”
NFYFC’s Ambassador Chris Stark from BBC Radio 1 said:
“You don’t have to be a farmer to be a young farmer, which is a brilliant motto because I love Young Farmers’ Clubs but don’t know very much at all about farming. Despite my distinct lack of farming knowledge, loads of YFCs have welcomed me to their events and farms and I’ve loved learning more about the countryside and what young people are getting up to! I’m proud to be an Ambassador for Young Farmers’ Clubs – as they offer a social life, an opportunity to learn new skills and a place to achieve great things! Let’s celebrate how great our YFCs are this National Young Farmers’ Week.”
National Young Farmers’ Week 2017 runs from 18-24 September. For more information visit www.nfyfc.org.uk/Abouttheweek/nyfw17 and follow the NFYFC Facebook page or Twitter account to see photos and updates during the week.