Two weeks ago members from across the East midlands decesended on Skegness for the annual competitions weekend. We had many successes over the weekend. A big WELL DONE to all competitors, Jo Turvey and James Bust competed in the Senior Member of the Year, after winning the county round, Lowdham went through in the Volleyball and finished in 3rd place. The junior reading team of Evie Hoggard, Ellie Fox and Olivia Blach finally fnished in 2nd Place, they were highly commended from the judges for the quality of their public speaking. The Junior Public Speaking team Evie Hoggard, Beth & Megan Perry finish in 4th place.
Although, the star of the show for the weekend goes to EVIE HOGGARD who was awarded the title East Midlands Area Member of the Year, she will now represent Nottinghamshire in the national finals in October.
A big thank you to all those that supported, stewarded and help out over the weekend.