With less than a week to go to the Annual County Ball, and the results of Miss YFC, Mr YFC, Senior and Junior Member of the Year we’re all wondering who will win? Who will take the title for 2017? Who will represent Nottinghamshire?
Saturday’s ball is to take place at Colwick Hall Hotel, tickets for which sold out before Christmas, they’ll be a three course meal, Cocktails and dancing to DJ Chris Bevans
Many thanks to all the judges for your time, and Sponsors Southwell Racecourse and Nottingham Trent University.
Miss YFC 2017
The winner of the Miss YFC will be awarded the Catherine Banks Miss YFC Trophy, Champagne, IPad Mini, a Southwell Racecourse experience and Flowers. This competition is kindly sponsored by Nottinghamshire Trent University, SARES, Brackenhurst and Southwell Racecourse
Alexandra Baxter, 20, member of Brackenhurst YFC and currently studying Agriculture. She was proud to be a founding member of the newly re-formed Brackenhurst YFC. She has ambitions to study at the University of Nottingham and to become an agronomist
Ashleigh Overton, 20, Insurance Broker and Secretary of Southwell YFC. Ashleigh has been a member for less than a year, but has thrown herself into YFC life. She is proud to support the younger members of the club and allow them to flourish.
Ellie Lear, 19, Secretary of Caunton YFC and currently studying an apprenticeship in Customer Relationship Management. She was proud to be elected into her role. She has ambitions to plan more events for Caunton after successfully setting up and running their facebook page.
Jessica Rose, 22, is a sales assistant and is currently the County Rally Chairman and member of Tuxford. She was proud to represent the county at the National finals of the cookery competition. She hopes to chair a successful Rally committee in 2017 and one day own her own business.
Katie Gent, 20, Chairman of Tuxford and Veterinary Nurse Assistant. She would like to take on further roles at County Level, she enjoys skiing and was proud to win the presidents cup from Tuxford YFC.
Naomi Slack, 19, Waitress and treasurer of Southwell YFC. She has many proud moments but attributes being a young farmer to being able to hone her creative side with various entries at the County Show. She has a passion for special effects make-up and hopes to make that her career.
Mr YFC 2017
The winner of the Mr YFC will be awarded the Mr YFC Trophy, gift and a bottle of Champagne. This competition is kindly sponsored by Nottinghamshire Trent University, SARES, Brackenhurst.
Ben Theaker, 22, is studying Agriculture; he’s the Show vice chairman and member of Worksop. He was proud to be voted Members Member and support the formation of Brackenhurst YFC. He has ambitions to be county chairman, and would like to increase membership across the county.
Craig Voce, 22, a farmer and member of Papplewick. He was one of a handful of members who re-started Papplewick in 2009. He has ambitions to take over the family business and find himself a wife.
Edward Allen, 22, County Vice Chairman and member of Collingham. He was proud to be the chairman of his club, whilst winning the recruitment trophy. He has ambitions to get involved at NFYFC and gain more qualifications to support the family farming business.
Edward Foreman, 18, Chairman of Brackenhurst YFC and currently studying Agriculture. He was proud to be elected Chairman in the clubs first official year and would like to travel within YFC. He has ambitions to be a farm manager.
Josh Billyard, 20, a Farm Worker and member of Caunton. He was proud to be club chairman when the club had worked hard to fundraise for itself. He would like to take on a role within the Rally committee and has ambitions to complete his BASIS training.
Senior Member of the Year 2017
The winner and Runner up will go on to represent the County in the East Midlands Area Final in Skegness
Edward Allen, 22, Farmer is the County Vice Chairman and member of Collingham, he has held the position of Show Chairman. He’s represented the county at Stock judging and was proud to be part of a club that won the vast majority of trophies in 15/16. He has ambitions to become the first ‘Allen’ to be County Chairman
Will Hill, 22, an Apprentice Service Engineer is the Show Chairman and member of Tuxford. He is also the NFYFC Council representative. He has represented the county at Hockey and Frisbee, and attended Council weekend. He has ambitions to work abroad with John Deere.
Junior Member of the Year 2017
The winner and Runner up will go on to represent the County in the East Midlands Area Final in Skegness
Bradie Smith, 14, Secretary of Cropwell. She was proud to win the cookery competition. She has a passion for the natural world and has ambitions to become an Army Doctor or Vet.
Daisy Haigh, 16, Secretary of Tuxford. She has always had a passion for cattle, and has shown at a National level in young handler’s competition. She put her knowledge to good use by becoming the East Midlands Area Young Stockman of the Year in 2015, and went on to finish 10th nationally.
Emily Burke, 16, a member of Papplewick. She attributes being a member of YFC to making some lifelong friends, and getting involved in activities she would have never had the opportunity to otherwise. She has plans to study Law at University.
Kate Pritchard, 15, a member of Lowdham. Currently taking her GCSE with plans to study Agriculture next year. She attributes YFC with making many friends and giving her a good foundation for a career in agriculture.
Oliver Wilson, 17, a member of Collingham and currently studying Agriculture. He has a passion for Agriculture and Tennis, and is working towards his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, with ambitions to own his own farm.
Check back here next week for the results, or follow our social media channels for live updates