This weekend saw Young Farmers from across Nottinghamshire go head to head in over twenty make, create and race competitions inside the YFC village at the Nottinghamshire County Show.
The theme for this years competitions was reduce, reuse, recycle with a nod to the recent Kings Coronation. This meant between the tractor sculptures made of recycled material and the insect hotels, there was also Papier mache Kings heads, wooden castles and recycled metalwork thrones.
A competition for everyone
For some members craft might not be there thing, driving a lawnmower however, maybe that is? The crowds gathered twice around the County Show’s main ring, altleast ten deep in places, eyes peeled to see the YFC lawnmowers go head to head.
For those not lucky enough to have witnessed this spectacle before, lawnmowers can go very fast when they’re not expected to mow grass!
Absolutely fantastic experience, the exhibits produced were amazing and so may people involved! Very proud to be part of Notts YFC
Ellie Marrian – YFC Show Chair 2023

2023 County Show Trophy winners:
- FA & Jones Trophy for Metalwork; Connor Gerrard, Cropwell
- The Rodney Coldron for Movie Maker; shared jointly between Lowdham and Collingham
- Mrs GF Hollingworth Trophy for the Cube Exhibit; Collingham
- The Prudential Perpectual Challenge Cup for Exhibits/entries overall; Collingham YFC
- The Sharon Hall Trophy for Junior Horse Stockjudging; Elsie Bradley, Tuxford
- The Hardstaff Rosebowl for Intermediate Horse Stockjudging; Daisy Brady, Lowdham
- The Angela Barton OBE for Senior Horse Stockjuding; Isabel Chennells, Collingham
- The Blake & Beeley for Junior Beef Stockjudging; James Kirk, Southwell
- PA Bentley Cup for Intermediate Beef Stockjudging; Millie Hunter, Worksop
- The Millers Mutal for Senior Beef Stockjudging; Toby Stubbs, Cropwell
- The Martin Cheetham Tray for Junior Dairy Stockjudging; Ralphie Timmins, Collingham
- The Kenneth Wilson for Intermediate Dairy Stockjudging; Jennifer Chennells, Collingham
- NNAS Dairy Cup Challenge for Senior Dairy Stockjudging; Toby Stubbs, Cropwell
- The Betty & David Edgar bowl for Junior Butchers Lamb Stockjudging; Ella Dunthorne, Cropwell
- The Bob Lamin Perpetual Challenge for Intermediate Butchers Lamb Stockjudging; Michael Wilkinson, Collingham
- The John Baugh Memoiral Trophy for Senior Butchers Lamb Stockjudging; Andrew Hill, Tuxford
The big winners revealed
Stockjudging has played an important role in YFC Competitions for over 100 years, before the organisation was founded, we ran ‘calf clubs’ for farmers sons and daughters. Each week they would bring along a calf they were rearing, chat with friends and learn about calf rearing and animal husbandry.
Our roots in stockjudging have been there from the beginning it’s why we still award silverware for the Junior and Senior who have gained the most points across the four classes. This year the junior award went to Raphie Timmins, Collingham, winning the Roy Turner Award and the Mick Saxby Memorial trophy went to Andrew Hill, Tuxford.
Collingham YFC were awarded the trophy for the highest scoring club across all the classes too.
Evie Hollingworth, Tuxford won the junior section Floral Art class plus judge Kathryn Proctor also awarded her the heaven scents award for best in show. (Of all the age catregories)
Back in 2010 our then President, Mr Gerard Murtagh wanted to celebrate the members who may not get any recognition for the competitions. But, whom are nuturing other members, putting in 100% to YFC and being a friendly face. It is called the Members Member Salva and we asked each club to vote for the winner. This year Gerard presented the awarded to County Vice Chairman and Tuxford member Katie Gent.
We ended the day with a final blast around the ring on the lawnmowers to close the show. The sun just peeked out and we added some female drivers to the roster!